瑞士發現在某些狀況下, 老鼠胰臟內的Alpha細胞可自動轉換成為Beta細胞(胰島細胞). 雖未必適用於人類, 至少值得繼續研究其機轉. 以下為原文, 可使用右上角翻譯功能翻譯成中文.
另找到高醫大蔡漢傑研究生發表類似的文獻, 供對照參考.
Adult Pancreas in Mice Can Regenerate Beta Cells
A new study in Switzerland demonstrated that mice can regenerate beta cells in the pancreas after all of the original cells have been destroyed, giving some hope to those with type I diabetes. They were formed from alpha cells also present in the pancreas.
Alpha and beta cells are two types of cells that form islets of Langerhans, areas in the pancreas that secrete hormones. Alpha cells secrete the hormone glucagon, which is released when we need to raise our blood glucose levels. Beta cells release insulin, which decreases glucose. In type I diabetes, the body attacks beta cells so that insulin is no longer produced in response to high glucose levels. Chronically high blood glucose is toxic to many cells in the body, and diabetics can and often do have a number of problems such as kidney disease and ocular problems.
Interestingly when mice with an adult pancreas were given insulin, the alpha cells were able to spontaneously become beta cells even when more than 99% of them were destroyed. These beta cells functioned normally and when a sufficient number were present, the mice no longer needed insulin.
Although this is very exciting in terms of treating people with type I diabetes, one major issue remains. Type I diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the body sees the beta cells as foreign and attacks them. Even when doctors have transplanted beta cells into people, they are eventually destroyed by the immune system and they need to start taking insulin again.
Alpha cells are not attacked by the immune system under normal circumstances, but if they could be programmed to become beta cells, the immune system would most likely destroy the newly generated cells.
Unfortunately, observations in mice do not always mean that the same thing can be done in humans, but it does provide us with a greater understanding of biological mechanisms. This study does suggest that insulin therapy alone could regenerate beta cells in humans with type I diabetes if scientists can figure out how to prevent the immune system from attacking them.
In addition to learning more about the process alpha cells undergo to become beta cells, hopefully this study prompts more research into why the immune system attacks beta cells in the pancreas. It is likely that both approaches will have to be understood and managed to treat and possibly cure type I diabetes.
糖尿病被認為是胰腺中的β細胞不能產生胰島素 (insulin) 或是分泌量不足以達到身體的需求量來降低血糖的濃度,導致高血糖症的發生。其中第一型糖尿病一般是由於自體免疫系統破壞產生胰島素的β細胞導致的;第二型 糖尿病是由於組織細胞的胰島素抵抗、β細胞功能衰退或其他多種原因引起的。對於糖尿病的病情發展,胰腺β細胞受損是一個很重要的病理特徵,因為當胰島素分 泌小於身體所需的量時,就會使糖尿病的病情惡化,所以在治療方面讓β細胞分泌足量胰島素是臨床治療很重要的目標。
在胰島 (pancreatic islets) 中,產生胰島素的β-細胞壽命長,在其生命週期中幾乎不複製,但在受傷時或有代謝需求時則會使複製的情形增加。目前還不能夠確認成年哺乳動物在經過大量或 是全部的β-細胞損失後,如糖尿病,β-細胞可以再生。而對β-細胞幾乎被完全去除的一個轉基因小鼠模型所做研究發現,成熟α-細胞(正常情況下負責製造 胜肽荷爾蒙昇血糖素)可以被自發地重組為β-細胞。
關於胰腺細胞功能多樣性 (versatility) 的意外發現,讓我們看到了糖尿病的可能治療方法。通過差異化環境在體外生成細胞,或是在體內誘導細胞再生。而且關於選擇性殺死細胞及非選擇性地全部殺死細 胞的新模型的建立,可能會顯示其他器官中以前未被識別出的細胞功能多樣性。
目前幾乎沒有實驗可以說明成熟已分化的細胞可以從一種細胞型態轉變成另一種細胞型態。在胰臟中,有研究結果顯示pro-endocrine factors的異位表現 (ectopic expression) 會誘導腺泡細胞 (acinar cells) 重組而使得腺泡細胞轉變成可分泌胰島素的β-細胞;另外在其他的研究中,在胰腺幹細胞中失去c-Myc活性會使成熟腺泡細胞漸漸轉變成脂肪細胞。
成熟的內分泌胰腺,被稱為胰島,其直徑為 50-500 μm 之間,每個胰島中約含有1000個細胞,是由一群分泌激素的細胞所組成,如下所示:
β-細胞:分泌胰島素 (insulin)
α-細胞:分泌昇血糖素 (glucagon)
δ-細胞:分泌生長激素釋放抑制因子 (somatostatin)
PP細胞:分泌胰多肽 (pancreatic polypeptides)
ε-細胞:分泌生長激素釋放激素 (gherlin)
在正常的情況下,β-細胞的維持主要依賴細胞壽命長,其生命週期中幾乎不複製。生理上對β-細胞的需求增加,會使β-細胞增生情況增加來達到生理 上的需求。若是β-細胞的量下降到正常標準以下(正常值的10%),這是糖尿病的開端,如之前所提到,第一型的糖尿病,通常由自體免疫所引起,在少年時期 就很明顯的發生。
有一些研究發現在患有第一型糖尿病的小孩或是未成年的糖尿病大鼠,如同經過手術、化學來造成胰臟損傷後有β-細胞再生的情形發生。在這些情況下, 雖然缺乏適當的細胞世系追蹤 (cell lineage tracing) 技術,使得其他促使β-細胞再生的條件無法被排除,但經由實驗結果發現,在胰臟損傷之後,β-細胞的確有再生的現象。另一方面,利用導管結紮成年的老鼠引 起急性胰臟炎,讓它的前驅物表現 neurogenin 3,因此形成新的β-細胞,來模擬胚胎胰島的培養。
而目前在所有可用的糖尿病實驗模式中,讓β-細胞受損的因素通常會和發炎或是自體免疫有關。而在最新的研究中,使用兩種活體基因的技術,包括細胞 剔除 (cell ablation) 及細胞世系追蹤。研究中作者們會使小鼠的β-細胞攜帶DTR這個接受器,和白喉毒素 (diphtheria toxin) 結合後讓β-細胞快速死亡進行研究,來模擬和第一型糖尿病相似,但是與自體免疫反應無關的條件,證明胰臟在損失大部分的β-細胞後,它會自然地產生製造 β-細胞的能力。
在長期的動物試驗中,實驗的老鼠在經由細胞剔除後至少會再存活10個月以上。而在細胞剔除之後的前五個月,會給予老鼠皮下注射胰島素使之濃度大於 20 mM,而從第六個月開始之後就不再給予胰島素,而老鼠的β-細胞含量有明顯地增加,而後經過一連串的實驗和觀察,發現α-細胞會轉變成β-細胞。
最後,研究的結果指出,利用新的實驗模式,讓細胞選擇性地被剔除,進而發現引起細胞的再生以及功能多樣性,在其他的病態條件下,像是發育異常或是 癌症,也會有相類似的情形發生。在最新的研究中發現,成人的胰島在β-細胞幾乎都死亡的情況下,α-細胞會重新轉變成新的β-細胞。
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