
2010年9月27日 星期一


真的愈來愈多人罹患一型糖尿病嗎?? 以下這篇文章說, 除了先天基因缺陷, 以及科薩奇病毒感染已被確認與第一型糖尿病有關外, 許多科學家相信, 環境及食物的污染, 也助長了一型糖尿病的發病率, 只是還沒有明確的科學證據.

看來, 一型病友應該盡量實踐有機健康的飲食習慣...

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Why diabetes type I is becoming more prevelant

by s.e. Jones

Recently there have been several reports that show the incidence of type I diabetes is becoming more prevalent, which is surprising because it’s the type II variety that has been getting all the press for most of the past decade or so. The reason type II has been in the news so much is because its causes are known and are easy to understand; obesity and lack of exercise are its chief cause.

Type I diabetes, also known sometimes as Juvenile Diabetes because that’s the age when type I usually shows up in people, on the other hand has been on the increase for something on the order of the past forty years as well, though the reasons for it have been less clear and it seems that the increase might be rising at a faster rate than in the past.

Diabetes type I happens to a person when certain cells in their pancreas are destroyed and their pancreas is no longer able to produce insulin which the body needs to regulate sugar. Without regular insulin injections, the person will die.

For most of the past century, it was assumed that Type I Diabetes was wholly genetic in nature. You either got it or you didn’t from certain unidentifiable traits in one or both of your parents regardless of whether they or anyone you knew in your family tree had it. Research over the past several decades has contradicted this evidence however, as it appears the genetic aspect is merely that of a preponderance, rather than a certainty. While it has been known for some time that the Coxsackie B4 virus, which can trigger an autoimmune reaction in the human body, plays a role as well, it has only recently come to light that its impact might be greater than what was once believed. While it’s still unclear how much of which is involved, it is clear that there must be both a genetic preponderance and a Coxsackie B4 virus infection, for Type I Diabetes to occur.

This brings us to the question of why Type I Diabetes is on the rise. While there is no definitive answer there does seem to be a consensus that both the genetic defect that happens in certain individuals is on the rise, but so too is the incidence of the Coxsackie B4 virus. But that only begs the question of why, to each?

Because there is no proof as yet, those in the research field are hesitant to express their opinions, but in private discourse at medical meetings in Europe and South Africa, it has been postulated that it’s possible that the increase is due to
environmental factors such as the chemicals that are put on vegetables when they are being grown, or given to cows to fight infection and to make them grow faster. It has also been suggested that the autoimmune response in teens, the years when most get Diabetes type I, has grown stronger as the result of the antibacterial agents that are fed to both dairy and beef cattle.

Clearly there is no definitive answer, but when you consider the environment that modern teenagers are living in, with all the chemicals that are ingested and applied to their hair and skin, it is little wonder that the incidence of not only Diabetes type I is growing, but so too are other mysterious ailments such as Autism, mental retardation, and Downs Syndrome.


