
2010年4月5日 星期一

美國德州達拉斯 Touchstone 糖尿病研究中心: 瘦素療法比胰島素療法更好



瘦素可能為1型糖尿病患者提供比目前標準的胰島素注射療法更加優秀的治療選項。 Roger Unger及其同事報告說,與胰島素相比,用瘦素治療糖尿病小鼠提供了相同或改善的疾病管理,同時減少了這種動物的身體脂肪、膽固醇以及冠狀動脈疾病的風險因素。這組科學家發現,非肥胖的糖尿病小鼠用瘦素或胰島素治療後表現出了類似的血糖水平和疾病康復,但是與僅用胰島素治療的小鼠相比,僅用瘦素或與胰島素聯用治療的小鼠表現出了血糖波動、身體脂肪形成和膽固醇水平的顯著減少


作者:Roger Unger 來源:eurekalert 時間:2010-3-2

論文#09-09422: “Leptin monotherapy in insulin deficient Type I diabetes," 作者May-yun Wang, Lijun Chen, Gregory Clark, Young Lee, Robert Stevens, Olga Ilkayeva, Brett Wenner, James Bain, Maureen Charron, Christopher Newgard和Roger Unger

媒體聯繫人:Roger Unger,Touchstone 糖尿病研究中心

Touchstone Center for Diabetes Research, Dallas, TX;

電話:214-648-3488 (白天), 214-384-2733 (晚間)




Leptin therapy in insulin-deficient type I diabetes

May-yun Wanga, Lijun Chena, Gregory O. Clarka, Young Leea, Robert D. Stevensb, Olga R. Ilkayevab, Brett R. Wennerb, James R. Bainb, Maureen J. Charronc, Christopher B. Newgardb, and Roger H. Ungera,d,1

aTouchstone Center for Diabetes Research, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX 75390;
bSarah W. Stedman Nutrition and Metabolism Center and Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710;
cDepartment of Biochemistry and the Diabetes Research and Training Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY 10461; and
dDepartment of General Medical Research, VA North Texas Health Care System, Dallas, TX 75216

In nonobese diabetic mice with uncontrolled type 1 diabetes, leptin therapy alone or combined with low-dose insulin reverses the catabolic state through suppression of hyperglucagonemia. Additionally, it mimics the anabolic actions of insulin monotherapy and normalizes hemoglobin A1c with far less glucose variability. We show that leptin therapy, like insulin, normalizes the levels of a wide array of hepatic intermediary metabolites in multiple chemical classes, including acylcarnitines, organic acids (tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates), amino acids, and acyl CoAs. In contrast to insulin monotherapy, however , leptin lowers both lipogenic and cholesterologenic transcription factors and enzymes and reduces plasma and tissue lipids. The results imply that leptin administration may have multiple short- and long-term advantages over insulin monotherapy for type 1 diabetes.

