
2011年5月8日 星期日

加拿大4個省份 政府補助胰島素幫浦支出

依據以下報導, 加拿大安大略省, 薩斯喀徹溫省, 紐芬蘭省, 以及魁北克省的第一型糖尿病童家庭, 皆享有政府補助胰島素幫浦支出的福利.

報導說, 每台胰島素幫浦要價加幣7,000 (約台幣21萬), 壽命5年, 另每個月耗材支出約加幣300 (約台幣9,000). 以魁北克省為例, 境內2,000位18歲以下的一型糖尿病童, 將由政府補助胰島素幫浦支出. (沒寫清楚是包括機器費用, 或僅有耗材支出. 但由文義看來, 像是全部補助)

報導提到, 據魁北克省政府估計, 過去10年投入在糖尿病的直接及間接醫療資源, 已高達660億台幣. 我想, 台灣健保資源寶貴, 有遠見的中央或地方政府, 也許該積極評估是否實施類似的政策, 既降低整體糖尿病醫療支出, 也造福病友家庭, 可說是一個雙贏的政策.

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Quebec to cover cost of insulin pumps for Type 1 diabetes

By Monique Muise, The GAZETTE April 18, 2011

With help from his mom, 3-year-old Ian Vilanova of St. Constant shows off his backpack insulin pump. The Quebec government has decided to pay for the cost of pumps for the province's approximately 2,000 children suffering with Type I diabetes.

MONTREAL - Following in the footsteps of Ontario, Saskatchewan, and Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec will soon begin covering the cost of insulin pumps for children and adolescents with Type 1 diabetes.

A plan to provide universal access to the pumps through a new government program was announced Saturday at a symposium for parents raising diabetic children. Quebec Health Minister Yves Bolduc told the crowd that the pumps will dramatically improve the quality of life of hundreds of children affected by Type 1 diabetes.

“The advantages of insulin pumps are numerous,” Bolduc said in a release issued following the announcement. “They permit not only the balancing of an unstable diabetic, but also reduce episodes of hypoglycemia, especially among young children.”

The pumps deliver rapid-acting insulin 24 hours a day through a catheter placed under the skin. Additional doses can be administered based on each patient’s needs at different times of the day.

“This new program is good news for parents and their children,” said Danielle Brien, executive director of the Foundation for Diabetic Children, in response to the announcement. “The cost of treating Type 1 diabetes with an insulin pump is about $7,000 for the purchase of a single pump, which needs to be replaced every five years, not counting the additional costs of around $300 a month for accessories.”

According to a new report made public early this month, the prevalence of diabetes has risen by nearly double in Quebec in the past decade, and now accounts for $2.2 billion in direct and indirect health costs. Most of that increase comes from a spike in the number of people being found to have Type 2 diabetes, which has been linked to the obesity epidemic and an aging population.

Type 1 diabetes, previously known as juvenile diabetes, is usually diagnosed in childhood or adolescence, and is far less common than Type 2 diabetes. According to the Foundation for Diabetic Children, about 2,000 Quebecers under the age of 18 have the disease. Type 1 diabetes can be particularly difficult to manage, because the body does not produce any insulin.


