
2010年12月7日 星期二

水解蛋白奶似 (比牛奶) 可延後第一型糖尿病發病


據11月11日發表於《新英格蘭醫學雜誌》(the New England Journal of Medicine)的一項研究,對於1型糖尿病發病風險較高的兒童而言,如果在嬰兒期食用水解酪蛋白含量較高的配方奶,則其隨後出現β細胞自身免疫性損傷相關體征的幾率會較低(相較於以牛奶為主要成分的配方奶),且該優勢一直持續到患兒10歲時。


結果顯示,干預組患兒血清中胰島細胞抗體、IA-2自身免疫性抗體(或是5種受檢抗體中的任意一種)呈陽性的幾率顯著降低(N. Engl. J. Med. 2010;363:1900-8);在患兒10歲時,干預組和對照組分別有6%和8%的受試者罹患1型糖尿病,該差異無顯著性,但發病率不是本研究的主要研究指標。





曼徹斯特大學的Harlan博士和Lee博士表示,該實驗設計中的某些不定因素可能導致結果失真:首先,對照組嬰兒接受配方奶的中位年齡(1.1個月)顯著早于干預組嬰兒(2.6個月) (N. Engl. J. Med. 2010;363:1961-3);其次,干預組最終罹患1型糖尿病的7例患兒中有3例在尚未開始食用配方奶時便已退出研究,他們的自身免疫性抗體檢查結果極有可能也是陽性(實際並未檢查),這會顯著抵消2組受試者在自身免疫性抗體血清陽性率這一指標上的差異。



PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Type I diabetes typically strikes in childhood and requires careful monitoring with finger sticks and insulin injections.

Local researchers are hoping to be able to prevent the condition with diet.

Can feeding a baby a special formula cut the risk of Type I diabetes?

“My initial reaction was disbelief,” says Children’s Hospital endocrinologist Dr. Dorothy Becker.

The idea came from studies in mice. They were less likely to have the condition if given a special type of formula.

“The suggestion came that it’s got nothing to do with the fact that’s it’s milk, but it’s probably an intact foreign protein that’s different from mother’s milk that may be important in susceptible babies,” Dr. Becker explains. “It was decided to do a pilot study in Finland which has the highest incidence of Type I diabetes in the world.”

A “New England Journal of Medicine” study looked at 230 infants — half were fed regular and half were fed a special formula. In the specially-prepared version, the proteins in standard cow milk formula were pulverized into teeny tiny particles – too small to activate the immune system. With Type I diabetes, the condition is related to an autoimmune attack against the cells in the pancreas that make insulin.

The study was too small to know if this actually reduced the risk of developing diabetes, but the babies fed regular cow milk were twice as likely to develop diabetes-related antibodies anywhere from age three months to 10 years.

A much larger ongoing study of more than 2,000 babies across 15 countries is expected to give more conclusive results. Children’s Hospital is part of that study.

“It is the first trial ever to start in the newborn period,” says Dr. Becker. “Now our biggest challenge is keeping contact with everybody in the study.”

Sixty-eight local families are participating. The children will be followed to age 10. The results are expected in 2017.

“That’s always frustrating, yes,” Dr. Becker concedes, who has been involved with studies on the subject for nearly two decades already. “I will be older when we get the answer, but I’m going to hang in there.”

Studies have focused on people with a susceptible genetic make up, but 90 percent of people with Type I diabetes do not have a family history. For that reason, Dr. Becker expects that if the larger study mirrors the pilot study, the findings could apply to the general population.

But the expense of specially-treating formula proteins may be a hard sell to manufacturers.



