
2007年5月15日 星期二














sterm cell treatment for diabetes


ABC news

Last Update: 5:01 PM ET Apr 10, 2007

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Treating patients with stem cells made from their own blood showed promise as a treatment for 15 patients in Brazil newly diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes.

Preliminary results of the treatment, which were detailed in the April 11 Journal of the American Medical Association, showed 13 of the patients have so far been able to able to stop using insulin to treat their disease. The first patient has been followed for three years with the last patient treated and then followed for seven months.

Type 1 diabetes, or juvenile diabetes, is an autoimmune disorder that's usually diagnosed in children or young adults and it destroys insulin-producing cells in the pancreas known as beta cells. Insulin is needed to help the body regulate blood sugar, which if not controlled can cause organ damage and death.

Researchers involved in the study says it's the first time the stem-cell treatment has been shown to work in a small group of newly diagnosed diabetes patients.

One of the study authors, Richard K. Burt, who is the chief of the immunotherapy division at Northwestern University in Chicago, said it's way too early to call the treatment a cure and said additional and larger studies would be needed.

The stem-cell treatment regimen is risky. In an interview, Burt explained that blood was first withdrawn from patients who ranged in age from 14 to 31, and then frozen. Patients were then given four days of chemotherapy in order to destroy their immune systems and were also given strong antibiotics to fight infection. The stem cells in the patients' blood were then put back into the body. Patients were hospitalized for about three weeks.

Burt said the idea was to "reset" the immune system by shutting down the immune system and then injecting the stem cells in order to help the body rebuild the system and stop the destruction of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.

Burt, who designed the study, said the treatment didn't work in the first patient who had also been treated with high doses of steroids. In 13 of 14 patients subsequently treated, there were able to stop using insulin and have maintained normal blood sugar levels. He said the procedure was conducted in patients who had been diagnosed with diabetes in the prior six weeks before too many beta cells had been destroyed.

Patients enrolled in the study between November 2003 and July 2006 and they were followed until February of this year. The study was conducted by researchers at the University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil.

Burt said the study was conducted there because he couldn't find anyone in the U.S. willing to conduct such a study, but he hopes the encouraging results will make it possible to study the treatment in the U.S.

There's currently no cure for Type 1 diabetes, which affects about 2 million Americans. Type 1 diabetes differs from the more common, type 2 form of diabetes, a condition that's often linked to weight-gain and more often diagnosed in people age 45 and older. Patients with type 1 diabetes are required to take daily doses of insulin.

The study was funded by the Brazilian Health Ministry, Genzyme Corp. (GENZGenzyme Corporation

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